I need a phone detox

by | Nov 19, 2013 | Blog, Life

I need a phone detox. No, really. I do.

I was working in my office (thanks to the great decluttering office cleanup) on my computer which I love and hadn’t used since August of 2012 and got reacquainted with it this past weekend, and as I was finishing up, I decided to respond to an email.

Now this wasn’t just a quick email. This was a long email. And my response wasn’t quick either.

It wasn’t until I was on the last sentence of my email and my computer screen flashed as it went to screensaver mode that I realized I’d sat there for twenty minutes, in front of my computer, typing in an email on my phone.

But then of course, I’d just typed that entire post in telling the whole sordid story using the FB Pages app on my phone instead of logging in through the computer.

I told you I needed a phone detox.


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