Christmas Curveball Friday Snippet

[ 0 ] November 22, 2013 |

I posted a small a small snippet from Christmas Curveball yesterday on my Facebook page. Here are the fleshed out lines surrounding it, and to read more you can always check out the complete first chapter excerpt. I hope you enjoy!


After hopping over the gap, she noticed the front porch was even wider than she’d originally thought, and a double swing hung at the left corner of the house, placed diagonally to view everything from the driveway across the length of the meadow. The swing was tucked back just enough that the garage wall provided protection from strong winds. So cool.

The door swung open in front of her and she jumped.

“What are you doing here?” The words were practically growled at her, but the man behind the words was just as good-looking as he’d ever been.

Dressed in jeans and a flannel shirt hanging open over a henley tee, Kevin stretched his left arm along the door frame he leaned against. The man was sex on a stick. Of course, too many women knew he was sex on a stick and had gotten to experience—yeah, that was part of the problem. She pushed any jealous thoughts she may or may not be having aside.

“Wow. I think I need to tell your mom she’s got her work cut out for her with your manners. You seem to have forgotten all of her lessons.”

“Why are you here?” This time the words came out through gritted teeth and she hid the smile that threatened to give her away. She loved getting him all riled up.

“And a fine howdy do to you too. I just got here. I can’t possibly be on your nerves already.” Of course she could, but she wasn’t going to admit that to anyone but herself.

“Did Tim tell you I was here?”

“No. The dumbass kept your secret like a good best friend.”

“Then how’d you find out—”

“There’s only one vehicle in the state that has the license plate BASEBALL. The fact that it’s on a truck now instead of a car confused me for just a few seconds. You outed yourself.”

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