New Book Available Now

New Book Available Now

New Book: Drawn to the Wolves Available Now! I apologize for disappearing for so long. My absence was due to many reasons including going through some issues with my son, getting my other hip replaced (I’m totally going for Bionic Woman status now), and then...
Christmas Curveball Cover

Christmas Curveball Cover

I’m sooooo excited to show you the cover for Christmas Curveball. It’ll be out December 5th from Carina Press. And as a bonus, here’s the cover for the anthology Christmas Curveball is part of:   Edited to add the link to the book page:...
A Bad Week for My Hand

A Bad Week for My Hand

Saturday a week ago, I tested for my red belt with black stripe in my self-defense class. One of the things we were tested on was board breaking with knife ridge hand technique. I was nervous the board wouldn’t break and I didn’t want to embarrass myself,...

Happy New Year

I started 2013 off by backing up all the photos on my phone and then deleting a few hundred of the thousand on there trying to free up some space. Carbonite is working hard to back all of them up. Oops. I also whittled one of my inboxes down from 400+ emails to around...

Productive Sunday

I got into the online Romance Novel Writing course and have 10-15 pages due at 12pm ET tomorrow. I’ve written nine so far today and will see how many I can get done this evening. Except Leverage comes on in two hours… Instead of writing this morning, I...