Christmas Curveball Monday Excerpt

Release day is Thursday so I want to give you guys one more long excerpt from Christmas Curveball before then. Enjoy! ______________________________ Kevin couldn’t wait to hear her answer. If her brother hadn’t told Rachel, then how the hell had she found him? “And I...

Christmas Curveball Friday Snippet

I posted a small a small snippet from Christmas Curveball yesterday on my Facebook page. Here are the fleshed out lines surrounding it, and to read more you can always check out the complete first chapter excerpt. I hope you enjoy! ________________ After hopping over...
Christmas Curveball Cover

Christmas Curveball Cover

I’m sooooo excited to show you the cover for Christmas Curveball. It’ll be out December 5th from Carina Press. And as a bonus, here’s the cover for the anthology Christmas Curveball is part of:   Edited to add the link to the book page:...

Productive Sunday

I got into the online Romance Novel Writing course and have 10-15 pages due at 12pm ET tomorrow. I’ve written nine so far today and will see how many I can get done this evening. Except Leverage comes on in two hours… Instead of writing this morning, I...