New Book Available Now

New Book Available Now

New Book: Drawn to the Wolves Available Now! I apologize for disappearing for so long. My absence was due to many reasons including going through some issues with my son, getting my other hip replaced (I’m totally going for Bionic Woman status now), and then...

Audible Audiobook Savings

If you like listening to audiobooks and are an Audible member, they have the For My Own: A Contemporary Christmas Anthology priced at $3.49. That’s a huge savings for nearly 12 hours of entertainment. And it’s Whispersync for Voice-ready so if you bought...

Wrap-Up of Contests and Posts Around the Net

There are several different contests going on where you can either win a copy of Christmas Curveball or a copy of the Christmas anthologies such as For My Own that Christmas Curveball is a part of. Some contests are also giving away $25 gift cards. There are also a...

Today Only: Carina Press Holiday Sale

Carina Press is throwing a special one day only sale on all of their holiday books, including pre-orders. Just use the code 40CPHL13 to receive 40% off their price. My novella, Christmas Curveball, is listed at $2.99 and you’re already only paying $2.69, but the...